Thursday, January 4, 2007

Bonus Nachos defined

It occurs to me that most people will not know what "Bonus Nachos" means. It's one of those stories where you had to be there to really get it, but basically, my mom and I were eating at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants and a waiter was teasing us and speaking in Spanish. We both took French in high school, not that we remember much, but we were trying to think of any Spanish words we knew. We came up with "muchacho/boy" and a couple other things. When we were leaving, we tried to remember how to say "good night." I called out, "Bonus Nachos!" thinking something didn't sound quite right about that. After a couple of seconds, it hit me, it's "Beunos Noches!" It's the same thing pretty much (but not really!) Now when we say goodbye, we always say, "Bonus Nachos, Muchacho!" Yes, I am aware we are both female, which would be muchacha, but muchacho goes so much better with Bonus Nachos!

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