Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ask A Gay Man (From Paducah!)

Nick stumbled upon this website today showing William Sledd, the manager from the Gap store here in Paducah. Take a look at the article, then check him out on You Tube; there are some hilarious videos!

Play First, Work Later!

I took the afternoon off work today. I had one full day left to use byJune 30th, so I decided to split it between yesterday afternoon and this afternoon. Yesterday, I planned on coming home to clean the house, but Mom invited me to lunch at a new place in LowerTown, "The Stranded Cow." After our delicious meal and dessert, we did a little shopping. Today, I really do have to clean the house, then I'm headed to the gym for a run!


We just got Taylor's softball pictures back. Isn't she a cutie!?


Nick and I started a new lifestyle in February. We have a goal of becoming healthier by eating better and exercising more. We have been riding bikes, walking, running, working out at the gym together, playing Frisbee, and more. This past weekend, Mom found my old badminton/volleyball set in the garage and we decided to put it up. Nick and I played for about two hours; to the point we could barely walk for three days, but it was lots of fun!

Punta Cana

When Nick broke his ankle and fibula three weeks before our wedding last year, we decided to postpone our honeymoon trip. In April, we started making plans to take a trip for our anniversary instead, and we just returned from the fabulous Riu Palace Macao in Punta Cana, DR. We had an amazing time and came back relaxed and very tan! We decided that this trip was worth the wait and that it was much better to go when we did than right after our wedding reception. I don't think I could have handled planning one more thing last year!

We want to go back to Punta Cana again next year for our anniversary and hope that our friends Bobbie and Donnie can join us!

For more pictures, click here!


My sister-in-law Courtney left for her mission trip in Australia on June 5th. She will be there for at least 14 months living with other missionaries from the AIM program. Courtney has several sponsors who make donations to her through Lone Oak Church of Christ each month. When she finishes her mission work, she will be able to enroll in any Christian college as a Junior. This picture is of Courtney, Caleb, and Taylor on Taylor's 9th birthday.
We miss Courtney a lot!

Catching Up

Well I haven't posted anything since January, and I really had kind of forgotten about Bonus Nachos (the blog, NOT the joke) until my friend Trina suggested I start a blog!

So, here it goes. Nick and I have been married over a year now. He started a new job with Pebco, the parent company of AAA Fabricators, where he used to work. He now has a job doing purchasing/receiving/inventory control and really loves it. It's a great job for him since he no longer has to be on his feet (and broken ankle) all day.

Taylor finished her third grade year in May with all A's and has been playing lots of softball with the Lone Oak Youth Baseball and Softbafll Association for the team Allen's All-Stars.

I'll do my best from now on to stay caught up with Bonus Nachos!

Thursday, January 4, 2007


Last post for tonight, I promise! My main New Year's Resolution is to get back in shape this year for several reasons: myself, my health, my husband, my 10 year high school reunion. I am thinking that even though no one may read this blog, the idea that anyone can read it might motivate me enough to follow through with my resolution this time. So, as soon as I start feeling better, my husband and I are going to start exercising again and try to get back in shape. I am an expert at coming up with excuses and reasons why I should wait "until tomorrow" but hopefully we can keep each other on track!

Bonus Nachos defined

It occurs to me that most people will not know what "Bonus Nachos" means. It's one of those stories where you had to be there to really get it, but basically, my mom and I were eating at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants and a waiter was teasing us and speaking in Spanish. We both took French in high school, not that we remember much, but we were trying to think of any Spanish words we knew. We came up with "muchacho/boy" and a couple other things. When we were leaving, we tried to remember how to say "good night." I called out, "Bonus Nachos!" thinking something didn't sound quite right about that. After a couple of seconds, it hit me, it's "Beunos Noches!" It's the same thing pretty much (but not really!) Now when we say goodbye, we always say, "Bonus Nachos, Muchacho!" Yes, I am aware we are both female, which would be muchacha, but muchacho goes so much better with Bonus Nachos!


My friend Holly has a wonderful blog and since she lives hundreds of miles away from me, it is a great way for me to catch up with her and what's going on in her life. At the same time, her life always seems so exciting; even ordinary events like wrapping presents, baking cookies, going to church, choosing paint colors, and babysitting her neighbor's daughter. So my husband Nick and I have been thinking that maybe our lives would be more exciting if we had a blog!

So, here goes my first post. My husband Nick and I got married on June 3, 2006, after a year of being engaged. We got engaged after three months of dating, so, we are still learning a lot about each other! Nick has a daughter, Taylor, who is 8 and we see her pretty often. I was so nervous about the fact he had a child and wondered if our lives would be full of arguments and stress over that situation. Amazingly, we seem to be one of the few (maybe only) families where both parents can get along and make mature decisions for the sake of the child. Nick and Taylor's mom Tara are both willing to compromise and work things out when there is a decision over schedules, money, activities, etc. I feel so blessed to have Taylor in my life and I feel like Tara and her family are just part of my extended family. I pray that things will always be this way.

We live in Paducah, KY but we hope to move to Nashville in several years. We don't have any children together, but would love to have a baby in two or three years. Nick and I both work full time, so we love to spend as much time together as possible. We do everything together and are best friends. He even goes shopping with me!

We have just started 2007 and I'm off to a bumpy start. I have been sick on and off all week, and today I stayed home from work because I felt so bad. I have been bored to death. The highlight of my day was when the FedEx guy delivered a new AC adapter for my laptop. Unfortunately, it doesn't fit my computer, so I am hoping Nick will call HP and get it all straightened out. I am sick and I don't feel like it. It's nice to have a husband!